In less than 5 minutes you'll discover if you're just tired, or really suffering from parental burnout. Simply answer 10 parental burnout related questions to receive your parental burnout score and tips on how you can boost your score today. Plus we'll send you a direct link to our free video Series from the Founder of Help For Mums to Discover the 3 steps that'll change your parenting life, fast. - and NO they don't include the usual parenting advice you might have heard about meditating or just getting some sleep. They are practical tips you can implement into your life straight away to immediate see benefits.
Parents who experience parental burnout often report feeling exhausted by day to day parenting. When you feel burnout, life feels like a struggle. You tend to feel disconnected from loved ones, unmotivated and overwhelmed.
Primarily parental burnout happens when your stress levels are higher than your coping resources, such as when you push through sleepless nights, rush from task to task without a break, worry excessively and ignore your own self care.
The statistics on parental burnout vary from country to country. A Norway study showed how self esteem decreases in mothers. An Australian study showed that over 90% of new mothers sacrifice their health trying to be "Super mums".
Treatment of parental burnout will depend on your parental burnout score (which you can discover in the parental burnout quiz below). If your score is low to medium, we would suggest you start with our FREE self care workbook to get you back on track. If your score is medium to high, we would suggest you start with our parental burnout course, or parenting coaching.
The first step to preventing parental burnout is to not ignore it or push through it. This can only lead to further struggle and potentially longer term illness. Give yourself permission to take time out for yourself. Allocate 30 minutes per day just for you to recharge. Make sure you are not running yourself into the ground every day, by reminding yourself that you don't need to be perfect to be a good mum.
When you're suffering with parental burnout it's harder to parent consistently, you yell more, have less patience and don't have the energy to play with your children, or help them when they need you most. When you feel depleted, your parenting skills are impacted, your children can feel neglected, anxious, lonely and develop low self esteem, depression, or even illness.
Is parenting leaving you exhausted and stressed? Take our quick Parental Burnout Quiz to discover where you stand and get personalised insights on how to reduce burnout and restore your energy.